Thursday, June 23, 2011

Victorinox Bread Knives (Isn’t that an AWESOME company name? ^_^)

A few years ago I decided to try and make my own bread at home, without using a bread machine or a stand mixer. (Why? Because I didn’t have either, and I’m cheap. ^_^) I quickly discovered two things: Making bread by hand is frickin’ easy!! The first few batches weren’t great, but it really isn’t a big deal at all! A shoddy bread knife is worse than no knife at all. If you’re at all interested in making your own bread, rest assured that you really don’t need a bread machine or stand mixer! But you absolutely should spend a little money to get...
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Sunday, June 12, 2011

World’s Best Cat Litter

Years before I got my first cat I researched what kind of litter I wanted to use. (Yes, I’m a little odd.) At that point I decided I wanted a natural litter that was biodegradable, flushable, and dustless. So I decided on Feline Pine. XD After we got cats we used it for several years and it was okay. When one of our cats started avoiding the litter box due to urinary issues, we briefly tried Swheat Scoop. I know some people swear by Swheat Scoop, but when it mixed with urine, ugh…. >_< The smell made me gag! There was no way we could keep...
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Saturday, June 11, 2011

The SodaStream Home Soda Maker

A few years ago I was reading a political blog (no joke) and in an off-topic thread they asked readers to share what “unusual” products they enjoyed. One reader talked about the SodaStream and how it was totally awesome to make her own soda at home. I’d never heard of this thing, so I started looking into it myself. After a good bit of research and number crunching, I decided that the SodaStream was indeed, awesome, and worth trying out. Well, both my hubby and I absolutely love it! ^_^ It has been a fantastic addition to our kitchen and we...
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Friday, June 3, 2011

Burt’s Bees Coconut Foot Creme

Burt's Bees Coconut Foot Creme has been a true godsend for me. I’m a diabetic, and my feet are almost always tough and dry. Not fun. >_< I tried numerous “heavy-duty” foot creme products, and had pretty much given up on finding relief. On a whim I tried the Coconut Foot Creme,  and I was amazed at how much better my feet were after just one application. HUGE improvement! This foot creme has a vasoline feel, but there is NO petroleum in it. However, your feet will be very greasy and slippery until it soaks in, so for safety’s sake, put...
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Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Kapoosh - The only knife block you'll ever need.

This is no exaggeration! Kapoosh knife blocks are completely different from the typical solid knife-blocks that you're used to.   A Kapoosh block uses hundreds of flexible "freedom rods" to hold your knives in place. There are no pre-cut slots. The rods mold to the shape of your knives!     Additionally, the rods slide out as group and are dishwasher safe (top rack only!), which makes this the easiest-to-clean knife block that I’ve ever seen. o_O     When I first heard about Kapoosh knife blocks they only had two shapes...
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